Everyone knows and loves Nashville — Tennessee. But that made me wonder: how many other Nashville cities and towns are there throughout the USA?
A quick jaunt to Google gave me the answers. Twelve! They are in:
- Arkansas
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana (I’ve heard of Nashville, Indiana before)
- Kansas
- there’s a Nashville Plantation in Aroostook County, Maine
- Michigan
- Minnesota (Martin County)
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Wisconsin (Forest County)
and our great city in Tennessee. Stump your friends with this info — and let me know when you’re ready to move to Nashville, TN; we’ll help with all your #real estate needs.
If you’re familiar with any of these other Nashvilles, we encourage you to write in with a comment. Let us know what events and hometown charm might be found in the other cities and towns that share the name of our capital city. Did you notice that Kansas is the furthest west of all of the Nashvilles?
We welcome you to the BEST #Nashville of all!