Suze Orman is one of the nation’s top consumer money advisors. She, like Dave Ramsey (of Financial Peace University), insists that individuals maintain at least a six-month supply of funds in case you happen to lose your job or face a medical emergency. She is very, very strict on “wasting” money on frivolous purchases, and you’ve probably heard many of her bits of hard-nosed advice.
Well, Suze has made an important announcement regarding home ownership. She used to abide by the traditional advice that if you could not afford to put 20% down for your home (i.e., the traditional amount of down payment associated with conventional financing), then you had better be happy renting. NEWS ALERT — Suze has relaxed her standards! See the video below (it’s about 3 minutes long) to understand fully why she has now broadened her view of who can become a successful homeowner.!
Now, if you’re ready to become a first-time homeowner, please drop either of us an email. We’ll send you a wonderful packet of information about the entire homebuying process (and, believe me, it IS a process). This guide helps to explain the confusing world of mortgages, too.
Once you’ve had the chance to absorb that information and to do an examination of your monthly expenses, your income, etc., then try out some of the online calculators on our Useful Resources page. There’s one there that will help you determine how much house you can comfortably afford. We will also recommend two or three excellent mortgage lenders to get the pre-approval process started. In fact, one of our recommended lenders is endorsed by Dave Ramsey.
After that, it may be time to start looking at homes — and we are thrilled to assist you in that process. (That’s the fun part, by the way). You could potentially be in a new home by the holidays: just think about that for a moment.
Questions? Drop either of us a note with anything that’s still bothering you. We’ll help you on the wonderful path to homeownership.