What works for you, Nashville?

We try to include a wide variety of readable prose in our we-blog.  We cover #Nashville area events on a monthly basis, Nashville area articles of interest such as new businesses coming to town, and, of course, topics on real estate.

What do you like best?  We’ve been thinking about adding in an entire we-blog section on the various Nashville neighborhoods.  That would help those who are planning a move to greater Nashville; they could figure out before they hit the state line that #East Nashville appeals to a certain demographic and that choosing to live in #Arrington means that you’ll probably have some terrific land and a manageable drive to downtown Nashville.  And if you choose to move a wee bit north or east of the city (#Goodlettsville, #Hendersonville), you’ll have tons of choices and you’ll save money, too.

So — what works for you?  We know you enjoy the #Nashville area events.  And we know you appreciate the recipes and the #dog stories we include in our bi-monthly newsletters; we get accolades on those articles all the time.  (If you want to sign up for a snail mail  OR  an electronic version of our newsletter, just drop us an email and you’ll be on track for the next issue).  Send your request to midTNhometeam@gmail.com.

Please drop us a comment on the website, or send us an email, to let us know what topics you most enjoy on the we-blog.  And we’ll use that information to serve up even more!  (Yes, those are black-eyed peas, a delicious dish to serve).  Thanks!
