How do I know you’re out there?

I am up enough with technology to know that blogging is important.  Blogging allows you to talk about lots of issues that are important to people, and if you are clever, you can sneak in code words that will get your blogging noticed on search engines.  Some of those code words might be “Nashville,” or “Nashville real estate,” or “Nashville homes.”  Maybe even “Tennessee homes for sale,” or “Mid Tenn home team.” (Now that’s a great website to visit!!).

This week I made the decision that I needed to amp up my marketing.  Yes, I’m writing here, and I’m writing our every-other-month newsletter — insert sidebar here: drop me an email if you didn’t get the newsletter and would like to see it…it’s quite beautiful… — but I’m still not busy enough with my real estate career.  And I know that the Nashville market is hot these days, both the outdoor temperatures and the number of houses that are selling.  So this week, I signed on as an agent on Trulia.  Trulia and Zillow are well-known websites that folks visit to get information on local real estate.

Let me say right from the start that many Realtors® don’t like Trulia or Zillow.  These sites are great in that they will allow you to see pictures of said house that the owner has posted.  But the bad news is that it’s often true that the information provided on the site is old, biased, or totally inaccurate.  This lack of reliability is due to the fact that owners submit their own sense of value — and don’t you know that you think your old non-working 1967 Firebird is much more valuable to YOU than it might be to a potentially-interested buyer?  I’m committed to seeing if Trulia might help me match up with some great buyers and/or sellers.  I am ready, Trulia.  Bring it on.

Trulia wants their online agents to blog there too.  So if I post something there, I can see exactly how many people visited (or presumably, read) the blog; it keeps a cute little tracker.  Here?  I don’t know whether my words are reaching dozens, hundreds, yay even thousands — unless you take the time to leave a comment.  Which I **wish** you might do.  Let me know what you like about our topics so far.  I’ll write more about those topics.  The phrase “Work it, girl!!” — accompanied by a proud jaw-jutting look and a sassy downward snap of the fingers — runs through my mind as I try to determine if there is anybody out there hearing me.  Talk back to me.  And just for you, I’ll add in some code words that will make your life sparkle.  Thanks, readers.